Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Lung Cancer: A Review for Clinicians

COPD and lung cancer are highly prevalent causes of morbidity and mortality, worldwide. Their combined presence poses important challenges to diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Shared risks and mechanistic factors may play roles in the higher association of lung cancer in patients with COPD and provide opportunities for novel target identification for the prevention and treatment of lung cancer. LDCT is a major advancement for earlier diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, however, its use requires special considerations in patients with reduced lung function due to COPD because of false positive or indeterminate lesions that may require invasive procedures. Lung cancer screening provides an opportunity to assess patients for the presence of COPD that may allow identification and earlier treatment of patients not yet diagnosed. Finally, the presence of COPD has important implications for the management of lung cancer.

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Autores: Gerard J. Criner,  Alvar Agusti, Hossein Borghaei, Joseph Friedberg,  Fernando J. Martinez,  Curtis Miyamoto, Claus F. Vogelmeier,  Bartolome R. Celli.

Artículo de COPD Fundation

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Imagen obtenida de la publicación original el 12/1/2023

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