Circulating Biomarkers in Young Individuals with Low Peak FEV1

It is now well established that there is a range of lung function tralectories throughout the life course (1, 2). Specifically, 4-12% of young adults in the general population never achieve normal peak lung function, as determined by FEV, measurement (3). These individuals are at higher risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in adulthood (4), suffer a higher prevalence and a decade earlier incidence of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, and die prematurely (3, 5). The biological mechanisms underlying these observations are unknown.

Autores: Nuria Olvera 1,2, Sandra Casas 1,2, Judith M. Vonk 3,4, Tamara Garcia 1,2, H. Marike Boezen 3,4, Maarten van den Berge 4, Alvar Agusti 1,2,5,6, and Rosa Faner 1,2,5*

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