Pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: understanding the contributions of gene–environment interactions across the lifespan

The traditional view of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as a self-inflicted disease caused by tobacco smoking in genetically susceptible individuals has been challenged by recent research findings. COPD can instead be understood as the potential end result of the accumulation of gene–environment interactions encountered by an individual over the life course. Integration of a time axis in pathogenic models of COPD is necessary because the biological responses to and clinical consequences of different exposures might vary according to both the age of an individual at which a given gene–environment interaction occurs and the cumulative history of previous gene–environment interactions.

Puedes leer el artículo completo aquí:

Autores: Alvar Agusti, Prof. Erik Melén, Dawn L DeMeo, Robab Breyer-Kohansal, Prof. Rosa Faner.

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