Predicting Early Hospital Readmissions in COPD Patients Using an Electronic Nose

«The major strength of our study is that it tests prospectively a novel and non-invasive diagnostic tool (e-nose) to identify hospitalized ECOPD patients at risk of early hospital readmission after discharge. However, we acknowledge that our study also has limitations. First, although sample size was formally estimated based on results previously reported by our group using the same e-nose, larger studies are needed to validate our findings. Second, we did not collect airway and blood samples from this cohort of patients to determine inflammatory markers. We plan to include these measurements in future studies using e-nose technology. Finally, we analyze our e-nose data using discriminant analyses, but we did not use gas chromatography or mass spectrometry to study the molecular correspondence of the different VOC patterns determined.

In conclusion, an electronic nose can identify hospitalized ECOPD patients at risk of early readmission after discharge».

Puedes leer el artículo completo aquí:


Ana Rodrigo-Troyano, Jordi Giner, Lidia Perea, Jose Luis Merino, Núria Albacar, Belén Solarat, Diego Castillo, Rosa Faner, Alvar Agustí, Oriol Sibila.

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Imagen obtenida en el artículo original el 23/01/2023.

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