Predictors and associations of the persistent airflow limitation phenotype in asthma: a post-hoc analysis of the ATLANTIS study

In this post-hoc analysis of the ATLANTIS study, we assessed the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and implications of PAL across the full range of asthma severity.
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Tessa M Kole, MD
Elise Vanden Berghe, PharmD
Prof Monica Kraft, MD
Judith M Vonk, PhD
Martijn C Nawijn, PhD
Prof Salman Siddiqui, MD
Kai Sun, PhD
Prof Leonardo M Fabbri, PhD
Prof Klaus F Rabe, PhD
Prof Kian Fan Chung, Dsc
Gabriele Nicolini, PhD
Prof Alberto Papi, MD
Prof Chris Brightling, FMedSci
Prof Dave Singh, MD
Prof Thys van der Molen, PhD
Prof Sven-Erik Dahlén, MD
Prof Alvar Agusti, PhD
Prof Rosa Faner, PhD
Prof Jadwiga A Wedzicha, MD
Prof Gavin C Donaldson, PhD
Prof Ian M Adcock, PhD
Prof Lies Lahousse, PhD
Prof Huib A M Kerstjens, MD
Maarten van den Berge, MD
on behalf ofATLANTIS
andCADSET investigators
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