Respiratory sequelae of preterm birth across the life span

«(…) The topic of pulmonary sequelae of preterm birth could have important clinical consequences and raises several questions and challenges that need to be addressed to identify potential opportunities for prevention and early intervention to promote respiratory health for survivors of preterm birth. (…)
Following this webinar, participants would be able to understand the role of preterm birth on long-term respiratory function and health.»
Recursos del webinar
A. Agusti (Barcelona, Spain), Dr. T. Dassios (London, United Kingdom), S. Simpson (Perth, Australia), A. Lavizzari (Milan, Italy). Respiratory sequelae of preterm birth across the life span. ERS webinar 2022
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Imágenes obtenidas el 09/12/2022 mediante capturas del video publicado por ERS en Vimeo.