When GETomics meets aging and exercise in COPD

The term GETomics has been recently proposed to illustrate that human health and disease are actually the final outcome of many dynamic, interacting and cumulative gene (G) – environment (E) interactions that occur through the lifetime (T) of the individual. According to this new paradigm, the final outcome of any GxE interactions depends on both the age of the individual at which such GxE interaction occurs as well as on the previous, cumulative history of previous GxE interactions through the induction of epigenetic changes and immune memory (both lasting overtime).

Autores: D. Pellegrino, S. Casas-Recasens, R. Faner, P. Palange, A. Agusti.

Puedes leer el artículo entero aquí: https://www.resmedjournal.com/article/S0954-6111(23)00182-8/fulltext

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