Organizing Pneumonia in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: Risk Factors and Long-term Outcomes
Some patients develop post-COVID organizing pneumonia (OP), which is responsiveto treatment with corticosteroids.
Some patients develop post-COVID organizing pneumonia (OP), which is responsiveto treatment with corticosteroids.
The efficacy and safety of mepolizumab in patients with COPD has been investigated in two placebo-controlled Phase 3 trials, METREX and METREO, and theongoing MATINEE trial.
This article examines exacerbations of COPD, emphasizing the need for identifying distinct etioendophenotypes to develop targeted therapies and improve current modest outcomes.
Durante la jornada RESPrimaria se destacó la importancia de la prevención y el diagnóstico precoz en la lucha contra estas patologías.
Más de 900 sanitarios se reunirán de forma presencial y online, este miércoles en Barcelona, para mejorar la prevención y el tratamiento de las
patologías respiratorias.
Treatment with LABA/LAMA is recommended in GOLD B patients. We hypothesized that triple therapy (LABA/LAMA/ICS) will be superior to LABA/LAMA in achieving and maintaining clinical control
COPD in the 21st Century: Alvar Agustì and Rosa Faner are part of this book, being authors of chapter 4. Scientists and clinicians across many countries have made great efforts to understand this important disease, and these have yielded positive results.
The latest episode of Coffee Talk sees co-chairs of the ERS Clinical Research Collaboration CADSET, Prof. Erik Melén and Prof. Rosa Faner, catch up to discuss the topic of the new lung function tracker tool.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a heterogeneous condition. We hypothesized that the unbiased integration of different COPD lung omics using a novel multi-layer approach may unravel mechanisms associated with clinical characteristics.
Insight into the impact of doxycycline in therapeutic trials for COPD, emphasizing the need for careful microbiological monitoring in future interventional trials in patients with COPD
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