2023 GOLD International COPD Conference

Join the international educational symposium on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). 2023 marks the 8th Annual GOLD International COPD Conference.
Monday, November 13, 2023: Pre-conference session covering the clinical application of new GOLD guidelines communicated through case studies and didactic lectures, ideally suited for community pulmonologists, primary care and internal medicine physicians, fellows, respiratory therapists, advanced practice providers, and pharmacists.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023. The conference continues with the in-depth full-day program the GOLD International COPD Conference has come to be known for.
Day 2 will be presented in a hybrid format with in-person sessions virtually simulcast to a global audience of healthcare providers involved in the care and management of patients with COPD.
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Imágenes obtenidas y modificadas ligeramente desde el sitio web de origen del evento.