Aging and Metabolic Changes in COPD Patients

Metabolic Changes in COPD

Introduction: Exploring Clinical Heterogeneity and Metabolic Changes in COPD

COPD shows great clinical heterogeneity, with various subgroups of patients being characterized through sharing clinical or biological features (phenotypes, treatable traits).

However, other relevant characteristics have not been sufficiently investigated such as age or sex, that also appear to influence the clinical expression of the disease.

Our objective was to analyze the differentially expressed metabolites between COPD patients and healthy subjects and the influence of aging and sex.

Methods: Metabolomic Analysis Techniques for Studying Metabolic Changes in COPD

Metabolomic analysis (LC-MS/MS) was carried out in plasma from 95 healthy controls (52±11 yrs., 44% women) and 105 patients (57±13 yrs., 47% women, FEV1 58±22% pred.) randomly chosen from BIOMEPOC and EARLY-COPD cohorts.

Results: Key Metabolic Differences in COPD Patients: Fatty Acids and Amino Acids

Up to 14 metabolites showed differences between both groups, amongst them highlighting decreases in fatty acids as well as increases in both amino acids and components of the Krebs cycle in COPD patients.

These differences were far more pronounced in males.

When analyzing the effect of aging, the differences in metabolism between both groups showed a clear inflection point at the beginning of the sixth decade of life, suggesting a switch to an abnormally increased protein catabolism in COPD patients at this age.

Conclusions: Impact of Metabolic Changes in COPD on Protein Metabolism and Energy Production

Thus, we conclude that COPD fundamentally affects protein metabolism and energy production, with the first of these processes being highly dependent on early aging.


J.G. Gea, C. Casadevall, P. Nebot, C.J. Enríquez Rodríguez, M.R. Faner, B.G. Cosio, N. Haro , S. Pascual-Guardia, G. Peces-Barba, E. Monsó, J.L. Lopez-Campos, E. Barreiro, A. Agusti, O. Pozo, on behalf of BIOMEPOC and EARLY-COPD groups

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