
Artificial Intelligence in COPD

Artificial Intelligence in COPD

Artificial Intelligence in COPD is transforming disease management, from underdiagnosis to treatment guidance. Discover how machine learning clusters patients, predicts outcomes, and optimizes healthcare resources.

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Telomere length in patients with bronchiectasis

Telomere length in patients with bronchiectasis

This study investigates telomere length (TL) in bronchiectasis patients, comparing them to COPD patients and healthy controls. Findings show no significant TL reduction in bronchiectasis compared to controls, but a trend towards shorter TL in idiopathic cases. Further research is needed to understand TL’s role in bronchiectasis.

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Pathophysiology of bronchiectasis

Pathophysiology and genomics of bronchiectasis

Explore the complex pathophysiology of bronchiectasis, including airway infection, chronic inflammation, and mucociliary dysfunction. Learn how genomic approaches, proteomics, and epigenomics offer new insights into disease endotypes and patient stratification for improved therapies. Discover the role of trained innate immunity in complementing current models.

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